


“Vas-y Bonhomme” was born out of a concept, it’s an idea that blends beauty, wisdom, vintage and contemporary arts in one medium. My art is a representation of the lessons I’ve learned, the complexities we deal with as people and unequivocal truth. I was Born in Switzerland and with both parents from Cameroon most of my teenager years were spent in their native land.

What drew me into Photography was the impact of pictorialism, a movement that dominated photography in the late 19th century. Some photographers have drawn inspiration from “Rembrandt” during earlier centuries and rightfully so, but techniques do not change the objective of Photography, and that is story telling.

Any goal or passion of mine? sure. Being featured at an art gallery and discuss the meaning of my photographs with a curator. My other passion is teaching.

I've divided my catalogue into 3 main categories on this site. Commercial & conceptual (Beauty and Fashion photography), Portraiture and Events.

I shoot the occasional wedding, banquet & party. I’ve worked with very capable Makeup artists during wedding & exhibitions where we showcase 3 bridal looks: classic, dramatic & tribal.

Have a project in mind or an idea to come to fruition? You can reach me via the contact form on this site or send me an email at vasyphoto@gmail.com


Vas-y Bonhomme